Anti-Pollution Hair Booster № 167

525,00 kr
Size: 100ml

Anti-Pollution Hair Booster No.167 skaber en hydrisk barriere og bekæmper forurenende stoffer ved at fugte håret. Til skinnende, fugtig ogsundt hår.

💚 Økologisk
🌱 Vegansk
✅ Fremstillet i Danmark
♻️ Upcyclet

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Anti-Pollution Hair Booster № 167
Anti-Pollution Hair Booster № 167
525,00 kr

Anti-Pollution Hair Booster № 167 genbalancerer hårets vandindhold og bekæmper forurenende stoffer ved at fugte håret. Til skinnende, fugtigt og sundt hår hele vejen rundt. Tegn på aldring skyldes i vid udstrækning miljømæssige kilder, hvilket betyder alle de eksterne faktorer, der påvirker vores hårs kvalitet og ungdommelighed. Disse faktorer er talrige (forurening, UV-eksponering osv.), til stede i vores hverdag og uundgåelige. De udløser en række oxidative reaktioner og har en dramatisk indvirkning på vores hår, hvilket forårsager accelererende aldring.

Vand er afgørende for livet. Hovedkomponenten i vores organer, den udgør næsten 70% af hudens kemiske sammensætning. Hverdagsirritationer, forurening, aircondition og temperaturændringer udtørrer også vores hår, og det bliver tørt, kedeligt og skørt. For at sikre, at håret er tilstrækkeligt fugtigt, har vi udviklet ANTI-POLLUTION HAIR BOOSTER № 167.

For at opretholde fugt og beskytte håret mod forurenende stoffer har vi udvalgt fire komplementære aktive ingredienser:

  • Biopolymer mikronetværk – fugter og beskytter mod oxidative angreb.
  • Hyaluronsyre – skaber en hydrisk barriere.
  • Bjørn Hvidløg ekstrakt - anti-inflammatoriske egenskaber.
  • Blåbærekstrakt - beskytter huden mod miljøskader såsom forurening.

Biopolymer-mikro-netværket danner en film, der øjeblikkeligt fugter hårstrået og reducerer vandtab. Inden i matrixen er et kraftfuldt kompleks af aktive ingredienser, som langsomt frigives for at levere langsigtet hydrering. Det usynlige plasters meshing beskytter håret mod daglige angreb fra forurenende stoffer (PM2,5* og PAH) og UV-stråler. Fuldt beskyttet og hydreret, håret føles behageligt og blødt, plus det ser sundere ud og med mere glans.

Hyaluronsyre skaber en hydrisk barriere og bekæmper forurenende stoffer ved at fugte håret. Det tackler skader forårsaget af PM2.5, PAH'er og potentielt af UVA.

Bear Hvidløg ekstrakt besidder naturlige antibakterielle og anti-inflammatoriske egenskaber. Den er rig på antioxidanter, der arbejder på at neutralisere frie radikaler, og minimerer skader forårsaget af miljøforurenende stoffer og UV-stråling.

Blåbær kan hjælpe med at bekæmpe virkningerne af aldring på håret. Blåbær indeholder vitamin A og E, som begge er afgørende for at bevare et sundt hår. E-vitamin hjælper med at beskytte håret mod miljøskader såsom forurening. Blåbær er anerkendt som rige naturlige kilder til antioxidanter som pro-anthocyanidiner, flavonoider og anthocyaniner kan hjælpe med at beskytte mod miljøskader og skader fra frie radikaler, der kan føre til for tidlig aldring af håret [src] .

Forurening er en usynlig fjende, nævnt af WHO som en af ​​de største miljømæssige risici for menneskers sundhed. Håret udsættes direkte og konstant for denne giftige multifaktorielle cocktail. Udendørs mødes håret af partikler i forskellige størrelser og oprindelser. Partikler mindre end 2,5 μm i diameter, kendt som PM2.5, kan akkumulere og potentielt trænge ind i håret. De dækker håret, og polycykliske aromatiske kulbrinter (PAH'er) såsom BaP (benzo(a)pyren), der f.eks. kommer fra udstødningsgas, kan absorberes fra overfladerne af disse partikler. [kilde]

Når vi er indendørs, er vi udsat for flygtige organiske forbindelser (VOC) såsom formaldehyd og toluen, som frigives af byggematerialer og møbler. Disse forurenende stoffer genererer frie radikaler (ROS-RCS), der er ansvarlige for oxidativt stress og udløser de signalveje, der er involveret i inflammation. Disse mekanismer svækker håret. Angrebet fra alle sider, hår kvæles og tørrer ud og ældes for tidligt.


Ingredienser (INCI): Aloe Barbadensis bladjuice**, Aqua, Propandiol, Hydrolyseret natriumhyaluronat, natriumhyaluronat, algin, pullulan, serin, trehalose, urinstof, glycerylpolyacrylat, pentylenglycol, caprylylglycol, dinatriumfosfat, pyumphosphat, (Æble) Frugtekstrakt^, Vaccinium Myrtillus (Bilberry) Frugtekstrakt*, Vaccinium Macrocarpon (Tranebær) Frugtekstrakt*, Allium Ursinum (Ramson) Ekstrakt*, Petroselinum Sativum (Persille) Ekstrakt*, Rubus Fruticosus (Brombær) Bladekstrakt*, Xanthangummi, Glycerin, Cyclodextrin, Lauryl Glucosid, Polyglyceryl-2 Dipolyhydroxystearat, Benzylalkohol, Dehydroeddikesyre. *Certificeret Økologisk **Certificeret Fairtrade og Økologisk ^Upcyclet

I henhold til ISO 16128 standarder er dette produkt 99,14% naturligt og 44% økologisk.

How to Use:

  1. Start with freshly washed, damp hair: After washing your hair, ensure it’s still damp (not dripping wet).
  2. Dispense the product: Pump 1–1½ walnut-sized amounts of the serum (adjust based on hair length and thickness) into the palm of your hand.
  3. Apply evenly:
  • For your hair: Rub your hands together and distribute the serum evenly through your hair, starting at the roots and working your way down to the ends.

  • For your scalp: If desired, apply a small amount directly to your scalp using your fingers to gently massage the serum into the skin and roots for added moisture.

- Let it dry naturally: Air-dry (or blow-dry) your hair for the best results. Note that it may take slightly longer to dry, but once dry, your hair will feel softer, shinier, and healthier.

- No rinsing required: The serum is a leave-in treatment, so there’s no need to rinse it out.

- Frequency of use: Use the serum after every wash or as a weekly hydration boost, depending on your hair’s needs.

Tip: Suitable for all hair types, this serum provides intense hydration and nourishment with every application.

The product does not need to be washed or rinsed out as it is not oil-based.

Anti-Pollution Hair Booster № 167 rebalances the water content of the hair and fights pollutants by moisturizing the hair. For shiny, moist, and all-round healthy hair. Signs of ageing largely result from environmental sources, meaning all the external factors that affect our hair’s quality and youthfulness. These factors are numerous (pollution, UV exposure, etc…), present in our everyday life and inevitable. They trigger a series of oxidative reactions and have dramatic impacts on our hair, causing accelerating ageing.

Water is essential for life. The main component of our organs, it makes up almost 70% of the skin’s chemical composition. Everyday irritations, pollution, air-conditioning, and temperature changes also dry out our hair and it becomes dry, dull, and brittle. To ensure that the hair has sufficient moist, we developed ANTI-POLLUTION HAIR BOOSTER № 167.

To maintain moist and protect hair from pollutants, we have selected four complementary active ingredients:

Biopolymer micro-network – hydrates and protects against oxidative attacks.

Hyaluronic acid – creates a hydric barrier.

Bear Garlic extract – anti-inflammatory properties.

Bilberries extract- protects skin from environmental damage such as pollution.

The biopolymer micro-network forms a film that instantly moisturizes the hair shaft and reduces water loss. Within the matrix is a powerful complex of active ingredients, which are slowly released to deliver long-term hydration. The invisible patch’s meshing protects the hair against daily attacks from pollutants (PM2.5* and PAH) and UV rays. Fully protected and hydrated, the hair feels comfortable and soft plus it looks healthier, and with more shine.

Hyaluronic acid creates a hydric barrier and fights pollutants by moisturizing the hair. It tackles the damage caused by PM2.5, PAHs and potentialized by UVA.

Bear Garlic extract possesses natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is rich in antioxidants that work to neutralize free radicals, minimizing the damage caused by environmental pollutants and UV radiation.

Bilberries can help combat the effects of ageing on the hair. Bilberries contain Vitamins A and E, both of which are essential for maintaining healthy hair. Vitamin E helps protect hair from environmental damage such as pollution. Bilberries are recognized as rich natural sources of antioxidants like pro-anthocyanidins, flavonoids, and anthocyanins can help protect against environmental damage and free radical damage that can lead to premature ageing of the hair [src].

Pollution is an invisible enemy, cited by the WHO as one of the biggest environmental risks to human health. The hair is directly and continually exposed to this toxic multifactorial cocktail. Outdoors the hair is met by particles in various sizes and origins. Particles less than 2.5 μm in diameter, known as PM2.5, can accumulate and potentially penetrate the hair. They cover the hair and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) such as BaP (benzo(a)pyrene) coming e.g., from the exhaust gas, can be absorbed from the surfaces of these particles. [src]

When indoors, we are exposed to Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) such as formaldehyde and toluene, which are released by building materials and furniture. These pollutants generate free radicals (ROS-RCS) responsible for oxidative stress and trigger the signalling pathways involved in inflammation. Those mechanisms weaken the hair. Attacked from all sides, hair suffocates dries out and ages prematurely.

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